rescue me!

virtual design — diagnostic service

You literally feel like you need rescuing!

You’ve serious doubts about your renovation plans, or you’ve hit stumbling blocks with your renovation project, and everything has come to a grinding halt. Despite your efforts to find a solution, you’re stuck, thoroughly fed up and seek fast actioned solutions to catapult you back onto your home interior design journey. The issues you’re facing could relate to proposed floor plans you’ve received from an architect or designer which you’re unhappy with. The proposed floor plans are not what you were expecting and do not satisfy your requirements. You seek an independent review, a second opinion, and alternative suggestions on what can be achieved to give you everything you truly desire. Or, it could be that you’ve renovated a room and are disappointed with the outcome. It just doesn’t look right but you don’t know why. You want to fix the issue but don’t know how or even where to start.

what’s included?

  • 1-2-1 virtual consultation - 1 hour

  • pre-consultation questionnaire

  • identification of the key problem areas

  • in-depth analysis of your room/floor plans

  • easy to implement solutions for core issues identified

  • targeted advice on optimising space and flow

  • recommendations report & next steps guide

why should I book this consultation now?

  • You’ve wasted far too much time and energy going around in circles trying to find solutions and you’re ready and committed to seek professional advice to resolve the issue promptly.

  • You’re throughly fed up with feeling stuck and long for the day when your interior design project is finished and you will do whatever it takes to expedite this process.

  • You just want someone to wave a magic wand and provide you with the solutions, so that you can get your home renovation project back on track and completed so you can start living your life!