The Connection Between Reiki Chakras and Interior Design Colour Selections

This week, my Instagram posts have focused on the connections between our energetic bodies, represented by the seven main chakras, the colours associated with these chakras, and the meaning and use of these colours in home interior design schemes. The aim of this article is to bring a greater awareness to the subconscious choices we make when choosing colours for our interior design schemes. This is, as opposed to consciously making decisions to select those colours, without fully knowing and understanding what those colours mean and represent, and how to use them. It is important to make this distinction as the aim is to trust one’s gut instincts and inner wisdom, than to become dependent and attached upon the meaning of a colour, without fully understanding how to use them, and more importantly, how they can work against us. Once we have a greater understanding of the chakras, their healing properties, their associated colours, and how to use them, we can begin to recognise the colours we have in our homes and can then decide whether that colour is working for us, and therefore helping us to heal and enhance our lives, or, is creating further imbalances and disharmony.

There are seven main chakras in our energetic bodies. Each chakra has its own meaning and represents certain aspects and traits in our lives. When all seven chakras are balanced and working in harmony with each other, we find that we lead more pleasurable lives. Our relationships with ourselves and others, as well as Spirit and mother Earth, are all positive and working in harmony with each other. We are more content in life, enjoy our careers and know our meaning and purpose in life. Our ability to make decisions for the greater good of ourselves and others is sharp, and our conduct and actions always come from a place of integrity. We also find that our physical bodies and health is functioning more optimally. When our chakras are imbalanced, and it may be that they are all imbalanced; or some are over-stimulated and hyperactive, whilst others are functioning more slowly, and some optimally, our life will be out of kilter in some way, shape or form. For some, it may mean that our intimate relationships are greatly impacted. For others, it might manifest as unhappiness in our careers, and there may be some who have very poor relationships with themselves. Whichever areas the imbalances and disharmony show themselves, the cause is always the same, poorly functioning, or blocked chakras.

Once we gain a greater understanding of the chakras, their meanings, their associated colours and how we can use these colours for our greater good, we can begin to see why we choose certain colour schemes in our homes, and why we are drawn to certain colours which we refer to as our favourite colours. Having this knowledge allows us to connect on a deeper level with our homes, because we begin to understand that the colours we are drawn to and have used, are not just “pretty little colours” but are there for a more profound and deeper reason than just aesthetics. This knowledge also empowers us to recognise any subtle imbalances that arise in our lives, and how we can make adjustments in our homes to correct them, before they become overwhelming.

Below is a detailed explanation of each of the seven main chakras, their associated colours and meanings, and how these colours feature, or can feature, in our home interior design schemes, in order to create balance and harmony in all aspects of our lives.


How the Colour Red of the Root Chakra Influences Our Colour Selections in Interior Design

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In reiki, the colour red is associated with the base or root chakra. It is located in the coccyx region and is the first of the main seven chakras representing survival, security, safety and our relationship with mother Earth. When grounding ourselves, we are engaging our root chakra so that we can anchor ourselves back to mother Earth. To become unrooted or ungrounded means to lose our connection with mother Earth.

Red, which is the colour of fire and blood, is the first colour we see when we are born, and is therefore representative of our life force energy and our survival. When we think of words to describe the colour red, we think of passion, seduction, energy, excitement, power, danger, anger and even rage. It is a hot, show-stopping colour that commands not only our instant attention, but that of those in our immediate vicinity.

With our home interiors, whilst we may not know the meaning behind the colour red when choosing a colour scheme, based on how strong our connection is with our inner wisdom, our subconscious desires will be drawn to it for healing, re-connecting with mother Earth, re-energising ourselves and to even increase passion in our lives! However, overuse of the colour red, can result in increased stimulation of the root chakra, thus causing imbalances which could manifest as anxiety, irritability, anger and rage.

The next time you enter a room that has a dominant use of, or accents of the colour red, take a few moments to observe how you’re feeling. Does sitting in that room fill you with warmth? Do you feel energised? Uplifted? Powerful? Passionate? Or, do you feel anxious? Agitated? and enraged? Making these observations will provide you with insights to yourself, and help you decide whether you need to make changes to that room.

A great way to introduce the colour red in your homes, is with accents added to a neutral palette. A fantastic example is shown here [image, posted courtesy of Koket]. The main injection of the colour red is in the fabric of the armchair, with subtler additions in the painting and flowers. Together with the soft neutral base, all the colours work in harmony, to create a warm, balanced ambience. This is a room in which you will feel a great warmth and be able to relax in. Another fantastic element is that if you chose to ground yourself, the red chair is ideal! The red will cocoon your body, and as the root chakra is located in the coccyx region, sitting on the chair will expedite the grounding and re-balancing of that chakra.

This image is posted courtesy of Koket and features the Nessa Chair and Kiki Side Table


How the Colour Orange Represented by the Sacral Chakra Influences Interior Design Colour Schemes

The colour orange is associated with the sacral chakra. Located in the lower naval area, it is the seat of all creativity, and the centre of our being through which we connect with our innermost wisdom and higher self. Buddhists refer to this connection as “Hara”. Some shamans I know, refer to it as the ”Source Point”.

Sensuality, sexuality, passion, pleasure, joy, bliss, abundance, comfort, nurturance and gentleness are all words associated with the sacral chakra and the colour orange. Have you ever felt a gentle, warm feeling in your stomachs and wondered from where, and how this sensation arises? This, is literally the sacral chakra at work, and its affects filtering through our bodies, right into the physical form!

When in balance, we live and experience life more fully! We are more sociable and fun to be around. We enjoy life and are more playful. More importantly, our positive frame of mind, is driving our emotions. When we are feeling such joyful emotions, there’s a positive impact on all aspects of our lives. We have great relationships with others. Our productivity at work increases, as does our creativity.

When the sacral chakra is imbalanced, we literally lose our joie de vivre. We feel depressed. We experience blocks in our creativity, and our social skills are impacted. We may be more susceptible to manipulation, and have extremely poor boundaries. The most profound example I can give of an imbalanced sacral chakra, is that of the aftermath, and after-effects of a person who has been sexually abused, and by this, I mean rape. When a person is raped, along with the physical violation, the sacral chakra is severely impacted. Long after the violation, our energetic forcefield will work incredibly hard to re-balance the sacral chakra. However, without conscious action and effort taken to heal oneself, it is extremely difficult to achieve.

ORANGE - BRABBU Living Room | FITZROY Sofa and KOI Center Table.jpg

Psychologically, therefore, orange is a very popular and versatile colour to use in interior design. The vibrancy and saturation of bold oranges in colour schemes, are incredibly powerful in boosting and enhancing our creativity and joie de vivre. Whereas, the more softer, muted and earthier oranges used in colour schemes, like the one we see here [image posted courtesy of Brabbu], will have a more toned down and gentler impact on our emotions. This room has a very peaceful and feminine vibe, so the soft and muted oranges, will have a very gentle, loving and nurturing affect on a person’s wellbeing and emotions.

This image is posted courtesy of Brabbu and features the Fitzroy Corner Sofa and Koi Centre Table


How The Relationship Between the Colour Yellow/Gold and the Solar Plexus Chakra Influences Interior Design Schemes

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The solar plexus chakra, situated just below the heart, in the central naval area, is represented by the colour yellow, or gold which is an extension of yellow. Willpower, intellect, success, self-control, self-esteem, self-worth, confidence, optimism, compassion and warmth are all words used to describe this chakra.

When our solar plexus chakra is in balance, we have the power and strength to walk through life with confidence and optimism, which drives us forward to succeed in our personal and professional endeavours. We are aware of, and value our self worth, and are able to trust ourselves and our actions. A great example of our solar plexus, is when we are exercising and our trainers tell us to engage our core. Energetically, engaging one’s core literally means to engage the strength of one’s solar plexus, in order to push through the activity. Having a weak core, is usually a sign that we have a weak solar plexus chakra.

Imbalances in the solar plexus chakra can result in a person experiencing obsessive-compulsive behaviour traits. Other signs of imbalance will include depression, exhaustion, stress, fear, built-up anger and aggression. We can also develop manipulative traits and an unhealthy competitive streak against others. We will feel like we are not in control of our destiny, and will often blame others for our failures. We also find it incredibly difficult to handle criticisms and will obsessively dwell over them.

In our homes, just like the colour orange, yellow is incredibly versatile. We can be very daring and use bright bold yellows for our interior design colour schemes, or much lighter, softer, pastel shades for a Spring look. For those who may not be comfortable with yellow in their homes, gold is a great alternative!

In this image, posted courtesy of Maison Valentina, through the use of the colour gold, we can see how beautifully the owner’s power, strength and courage is reflected in this stunning bathroom. The saying “Not for the faint hearted” sums up the character of the owner perfectly! Just like the bathroom, we can see that the person behind it, is a show-stopping kind of person!…Let me just add, I love me some gold (A LOT)! 😍

This image is posted courtesy of Maison Valentina and features the Symphony Bathtub, Kian Mirror and Draycott Pendant


The Hidden Reason Why We Select the Colour Green, Represented by the Heart Chakra, when Designing Interiors

The heart chakra is the fourth chakra in our body, and its corresponding colour is green. As the middle chakra, it is considered to be the centre of our being, and the connection between our lower and upper chakras, i.e. mother Earth and Source. Unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, empathy, wisdom, forgiveness, and selfless love for all beings, are all words associated with the heart chakra.

When our heart chakras are in balance, we feel connected, emotionally balanced and possess empathy. Self love and the ability to unconditionally give and receive love, comes easily. We are welcoming and accepting of others, and have a greater appreciation of nature and its beauty. An imbalanced heart chakra, however, can cause great distress. Emotionally, we feel detached, lonely and isolated. Our intimate relationships become dysfunctional as love becomes conditional, we develop fears of rejection and jealousy arises. It’s no surprise therefore, that we become clingy and co-dependent in our relationships.

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Being drawn to the colour green in our homes, often highlights our need for healing. All shades of green will introduce an air of calmness to soothe and balance energies within a room. Even small accents of green can work wonders to lift the heavy-heartedness we may feel in our lives. As with the example of the root chakra and the red chair, here’s another great example of the subtle introduction of an accent colour. The green lifts the overall moodiness of the otherwise achromatic colour scheme, and is a great a tool for healing. Focused meditation on the heart chakra, whilst being cocooned by the emerald green chair, will greatly assist the healing process. [Image posted courtesy of Boca Do Lobo].

This image is posted courtesy of Boca Do Lobo and features the Malay Armchair


How Our Voice, Represented by the Throat Chakra and the Colour Blue/Turquoise Influences Our Interior Design Selections

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The colour blue, specifically turquoise blue and aquamarine blue, is associated with the fifth chakra, called the throat chakra. As its name suggests, the fifth chakra is located in the throat, and represents communication and speaking one’s truth. It works in harmony with our heart and third eye chakras, to help express our thoughts and emotions, and is therefore considered to be the seat of our conscious creations.

When our throat chakra is functioning optimally, we have the ability to speak our truth and ask for what we need. Communication with others, be it at work, or with friends and family members, flows easily. We are able to clearly understand others, and also be understood. Most importantly, we are trustworthy, honest and always communicate from a place of integrity. As a result, we are able to maintain healthy relationships with everyone in our lives.

A poorly functioning chakra results in poor communication. Insecure people, shy people, people who are easily confused and those who have introverted personalities, all have poorly functioning, or slow functioning throat chakras. Having an inability to express one’s feelings and emotions are also signs of such imbalances. It is where the expression of having a lump in one’s throat, and the physical sensation of feeling a tightening in one’s throat comes from. On the opposite end of the spectrum, people who are compulsive liars, verbally abusive people, and those considered to be chatterboxes and, or, gossipmongers, all have hyperactive throat chakras. Other ways in which an ill-functioning throat chakra surfaces, is through a person’s inability to find their true purpose, or meaning in life. Sadness and depressions are also major signs of imbalances in the throat chakra, and this is where the expression “the blues” comes from.

Like the ocean, blues are very cooling colours, so their use in interior design colour schemes, will instantly introduce peace and tranquility to homes. Turquoise and aquamarine blues will help to ease the flow of communication within relationships, and in our lives. Therefore, people walking into these spaces will feel calmer and experience a soothing effect on their emotions. Such colours in a dining room, like in this image, posted courtesy of Essential Home, will create the perfect setting and ambience for peaceful and tranquil mealtimes. Other examples of turquoises and aquamarine blues are found extensively in the vibrant blue homes of Greece’s Cyclades islands, especially Santorini and Mykonos.

This image is posted courtesy of Essential Home and features the Charlotte Dining Chairs


The Subconscious Influences of the Third Eye Chakra, Represented by the Colour Indigo/Royal Blue when Designing Interiors

The third eye chakra, which is the penultimate chakra of the seven main chakras in our energetic bodies, is represented by the colours indigo and royal blue and is located between the eyebrows in the forehead. Mental clarity, inner wisdom, intuition, sixth sense, psychic ability, logic, imagination, insight, spiritual awakening and spiritual awareness, are all words associated with the third eye chakra.

When the third eye chakra is in balance, we feel more in tune with ourselves. We are able to sense into situations with relative ease. Our sixth sense, inner wisdom and psychic abilities are heightened and we feel closer to Spirit. We have a fantastic imagination, and as a result of the mental clarity we feel, we have a greater understanding of our perspective and direction in life. Together with the throat chakra, we have the ability to express our thoughts clearly and succinctly.

A blocked or poorly functioning third eye chakra can result in the loss of perspective and direction in our lives. Brain fog and confusion increase, and we lose the ability to retain information as our mental clarity diminishes. Physically, we can develop migraines, headaches and dizzy or lightheaded sensations. In extreme cases of an imbalanced third eye chakra, people can develop sociopathic and delusional tendencies.

In interior design colour schemes, royal blue and indigoes are very popular and fabulous colours to incorporate in our homes. Subconsciously, we may be drawn to these colours without the knowledge or understanding of the meanings behind them. Again, this is our higher self’s way of nudging us towards healing our energetic bodies.

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Associated with stars and the night skies, indigoes are incredibly dense colours which have the ability to immediately draw us into rooms, and trigger deep awakenings within us. If you’ve ever looked up at an intense night sky, you will know and recognise this phenomenon of being drawn into it, and of deep thoughts being triggered within us. The same applies to rooms in which indigo and royal blue colours are used; you can’t help but experience this phenomenon.

Here is a beautiful example of indigos and royal blue colours being predominately used in the interior design colour scheme, to create a striking and richly intense vibe in the room. The use of the golds as a secondary and complementary colour, adds to the richness whilst also perfectly balancing the intensity of the indigo colours. [Image posted courtesy of Swoon].

This image entitled “Swoon Lifestyle 18” is posted courtesy of Swoon and features the Ziggy Sideboard


How Our Connection to the Universal Consciousness, Represented by the Crown Chakra and the Colour Purple Manifests Itself in Our Interior Design Schemes

PURPLE BRABBU Dining Room| IBIS Dining Chair HULI Mirror .jpg

The seventh and final main chakra in our energetic bodies, is the crown chakra. As its name suggests, it is located in the crown of our heads and represents our connection to universal consciousness. Although the colour white is often associated with it, the main colour representing the crown chakra is purple, or violet.

When all seven chakras are balanced, the crown chakra filters through our consciousness as the knowing, gut instinct and intuition, we feel about situations or people. There is no divide or separation in our connection with Source and mother Earth, so, we function through life as one with the universe and all beings. An over stimulated crown chakra functions to the detriment of the lower chakras, and results in that phenomenon of being away with the fairies, and not being in touch with, or detached from reality.

In interior design, purple is a very popular colour. It adds great depth and richness to a space and is synonymous with luxury and royalty. Beyond this, purple in our homes will help to heal our spiritual connection and bring deep inner peace. I love the colour purple and need no persuasion to include it in my colour schemes! It’s no surprise then, that I absolutely love this dining room [image posted courtesy of Brabbu]. Teamed with the gold (yellow), the purple works in harmony to enhance spiritual connection and wisdom, whilst the gold strengthens willpower.

This image is posted courtesy of Brabbu and features the IBIS Purple Dining Chairs, HULI Square Gold Mirror


Now that each of the seven chakras, their associated colours and meanings have been explained, I hope that you are able to review your home interiors and begin to recognise and make connections with the common colours that you have used in your homes, and are generally drawn to in your lives. Hopefully you will be able to start making connections between these colours, your personality traits and behavioural patterns, as well as in your relationships with yourselves and others.


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